This is my first time sitting down to write an article in years. I had been diligent about using my voice and imparting a few bits of Soul wisdom monthly and then LIFE got in the way.  A friend of mine asked me if I was writing a book since I stopped writing.  Then recently about 6 months ago I was heavily guided to start a Podcast.  My first instinct was to respond positively of course. "Great," I said.  I am a big talker and what a great medium to speak. It was also suggested to do videos and get back on social media. Start connecting with my community. People are looking to hear what I have to say.

Of course I said YES! Then the fear set in, I got afraid and then…nothing. No talking, no writing, no nothing! For YEARS!

I literally have been sitting on my hands, and put my voice on lockdown, along with my creative expression. I started to feel that everything important was being said by other people or other women like me. Why do I have to say it too? Why me?  Some unknown kind of unexplainable part of me just said no, we are done.  No one cares, and no one is listening anyway so why bother?  There were life reasons for sure, I had to move on from a very serious relationship with a man I wanted to marry, and still being very much in love. I was also guided and very excited to move from New York to California and begin again. New home, new friends, and new life.  I did have a community where I landed in sunny San Diego so that really helped.  The funny thing is no matter how much support you have, and how beautiful a place you land, moving 3,000 miles away from home is a BIG change.  It takes courage to listen to your inner guidance and start over. After healing my heart and getting settled, I started to get strong guidance that my business and I were stuck and that one of my purposes is to build a business. Not just do my healing sessions but create a functioning business.  People were looking to work with me, and I had to get the word out.

Then I received a very clear message from one of my spiritual teachers in my dream recently and she said to me, "Carolyn, I might say the same thing as you in a different way but it might not land with the very someone who needs to hear it from you. You have your own frequency, vibration, and resonance of your voice. You are here on this planet to help the women and men you are meant to, and I'm here to teach another group." The message stuck with me for days. Then another friend of mine sent me a current recording of said teacher, and it practically said the same thing as what she said in my dream. "Magnetism is unique to each individual. No one is exactly the same, and how you magnetize your audience is different than the folks that are supposed to hear it from me or someone else, so do not compare yourself to others.

Now, that is two times I had the same message within days of each other. I always believe, that if I am really meant to hear something or do something, I will hear it or feel it at least two times. Why wait for the third time?  So here I am, moving past my fear of the well of the deep unknown, the fact that life is challenging and you have to make tough choices. I have made the choice to be courageous and move past my fears, my limiting beliefs, and my imaginary criticism of what others think, and am back on the road to self-expression, soul wisdom and courage.  I am grateful for you to be on this new journey with me.

Love & Light,

Carolyn Goldfarb

Licensed Soul Therapist, Past Life Regressionist & Generational Healer®


Be Creative, Expressive, and In Touch with Your Truth - Carolyn Goldfarb


Who Would You Like To Be?