Your Journey to Self Love


Your Journey to Self Love 🎔

Work With Me

How to choose the right service for you and your Soul’s growth:

I 100% understand that it is lonely and frustrating to know you need to do or create something new for your life. And no matter what you do… you can’t seem to get there! You keep reliving the same experience over and over again in some form or another! Do you ask yourself:

  • “Why can’t I just stop creating this unhealthy situation or attract toxic relationships?”

  • “Why can’t I move on from my core wound/s?  OR “ What even ARE my core wound/s?”

  • “Why can’t I stop being angry or triggered by what people do or say?”

  • “How can I bring in my Soulmate that I have been searching for?”

  • “How can I create more Abundance in my life?”

  • “How can I let go of my unhealthy habits that are holding me back from creating a healthy life?”

  • “How can I create and sustain Joy in my life?”

  • “Why can’t I create the life I know in my heart I am here to live?”

  • “How can I connect with my Higher Self? My Spirit Guides? My Power Animals?”

  • “How can I connect with my Authentic Self - my Divine Inner-Child?”

  • “How can I access Self Love 24-7?”

I understand your need to heal all these inner aspects that gnaw at your psyche. I have been there and I understand.  All this is coming up now, feeling loud and uncomfortable because it is asking, no begging, to be healed.  Let me assist and help you to get to the other side of it all. My end goal is to get you back to you and for you not to need me! I want to assure you that you are in the right place.

I have several ways to work with me through 1:1 healing sessions. Learn about each of my unique offerings below.

Past Life Regression Sessions

in-person only

Your Soul’s Journey - Your Story

Learn about yourself on a deep Soul level. Heal hidden aspects that gnaw at your psyche and access past life memories that heal or give understanding to your present circumstances and feelings.

If you have:

  • A feeling that a past life is affecting your present

  • Anxiety, depression, and recurring fears keep you stuck from fully living your life

  • Memories or snippets of a past life or place that you know aren’t from this lifetime

  • People in your past that you know you need to forgive

  • Stories that you keep repeating to yourself even though you know it’s keeping you stuck

  • Personal life questions you want answers to

  • Amplified and escalating anxieties such as fear of drowning, tight spaces, abandonment, or loss of control.

  • An interest in learning more about your Soul Journey, Past, Present and Future self.

Past Life Regression is for you.

Generational Healing® Sessions

In-person and Remote healing available

Generational Healing® Sessions - In-person and Remote healing Sessions available

Release pain and suffering from your ancient bloodline, that you inherently carry and experience from the moment of birth.

Generational Healing® will free you from your family patterns and pains by healing the originating unhealed Ancestral trauma.

Healing your Ancestral Trauma  - Book a Generational Healing® Session 

If you feel:

  • That your family patterns, family addictions and Family trauma continue to appear in your life?

  • That you can’t get past your family history

  • That events in your family line continue to show up in your present-day

  • That you are overly attached to your family ancestral struggle?

  • That you have unexplainable pain in parts of your body?

  • That there is no past experience in your current life that explains why you feel the way you do. You know in every cell of your being that it is not your pain or suffering?

Then it’s time to book your Generational Healing®

Soul Therapy Programs

 Full Life Transformation

Are you tired of feeling stuck, sad, unfulfilled? Are you waking up wanting a different life? Let’s Talk! Gain deep connection with your core happiness and your Authentic Self through Soul Therapy.

Soul Therapy is the true VIP experience with weekly sessions where you are guaranteed to make lasting and profound changes to your life by connecting back to your Authentic Self - the YOU you know is in your heart, body and mind, but you just can’t connect to her.  Soul Therapy is right for you if you desire to start living and being exactly how you envision yourself to be! All you need to do is show up 100%, do the work with an open heart and mind and you will see the changes in your life.

Soul Therapy is not life coaching. It is designed to provide you with the most powerful, honest, compassionate and loving approach to understanding who you are, why you are the way you are, and what stops you from creating the abundant life you desire. Soul Therapy is an evolutionary conscious expansion on how to be living fully human in your body, mind, spirit and emotions — guided by your Soul’s wisdom.

Soul Therapy allows you to move past the story that is keeping you stuck away from living your JOY and Abundance! Let’s get you on track to living your divine purpose now.  

Soul Therapy is for you if you:

  • Are triggered easily 

  • Continue to recreate the same story and patterns in your life making you feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel

  • Feel anxious and depressed even though you might not really have a “reason” to

  • Try over and over again to move past your story, trauma or toxic relationship but no matter what you do they just boomerang back to you

  • Have a challenging time staying on task and keeping focused

  • Go from “happy-go-lucky” to angry and frustrated in 60 seconds

  • Know you need better boundaries but can’t seem to set them OR keep them

  • Want to increase your vibration and frequency but aren’t sure HOW

  • Want to feel like YOU again

  • Want to live a life of Joy and run happy

  • Want to create the life you came here to Earth to LIVE!

Soul Therapy is your key to live the life you came here to LIVE. Are you READY? Book a consultation today HERE.