About Soul Therapy

Carolyn Goldfarb has been professionally trained by Soul Therapy School® which is committed to providing you with the most powerful, honest, compassionate, and loving approach to understanding who you are, why you are the way you are, and what stops you. We gift you with how to alter the behaviors, beliefs and perceptions that keep you stuck in a loophole of repeating conditioned patterns that have been passed on via your parents, society, religion, culture, government and schools.

What is Soul Therapy? Watch the Video to learn More

Soul Therapy Individual Sessions

Carolyn Goldfarb is a Licensed Soul Therapist. She has been professionally trained and through her own self-discovery of past conditioning and patterns has been awakened to who she really is and what her purpose is, in order to serve you in their highest and fullest integrity.

A Soul Therapist presents you with a platform of understanding exactly how you got to where you are and equips you with the knowledge and wisdom to get you where your soul desires to be.

Each week you will uncover with Carolyn, key qualities that open you up to an authentic awakening. Release old patterns, become aware of what has been sabotaging your desires to create a healthy life.

This is not life coaching, this is Soul Therapy; an evolutionary conscious expansion on how to be living fully human in your body, mind, spirit and emotions — guided by your soul wisdom.

Intelligently Designed Pathway

Wholeness, happiness and feeling grounded in your body are part of the rich experiences that your soul desires you to feel, be and do. She’s craving for you to live your life to her fullest potential.

You are not here to suffer and be in pain, yet that is the daily experience of most individuals. There is another avenue to pursue that offers you the opportunity to experience an abundance of new emotions and sensations such as; joy, happiness, freedom, inspiration, and creativity. Knowing with honesty and clarity; who you are, what you are here to do, and what you desire to be in the world. You came to this planet to experience the joy of living your purpose and being fully self-expressed.

Soul Therapy School® has an intelligently designed pathway to deliver powerful results to live your life deeply nourished by your soul wisdom. We support you in discovering your truth by expressing your authentic self, unconditionally.

We guarantee results when you show up ready to transform anything that stands in your way from being fully self-expressed and being loved authentically.

Book a Free Consultation

Soul Therapist Programs

with Carolyn Goldfarb - Licenced Soul Therapist


6 week  Program - $950

The Awakening Sessions bring you to an awareness of where you have created limitations based on past conditioning. This awakening is life-changing and will impact any current situations that have been holding you back from experiencing your truth, choices, and life direction of what is best for you.

Heart Immersion

3 Month Program - $1800

Our Heart Immersion 3-month program is dedicated to women who desire to communicate their truth from an authentic place of personal compassion and deep understanding of who they are.  

Life Path Journey

6 months Program - $4,000

Your Life Path Journey is an in-depth exploration of discovering who you are, why you are here, and the most beneficial and rewarding path for you. You'll understand how your life path affects your body and thoughts, how your emotions can inspire abundance, and how your spirit leads to your greatest journey. These insights will heal your relationships with family, friends, and lovers, and help you express your truth authentically, enabling you to fulfill your mission.

*Included in your 6-month program are four tickets to our signature weekend, Soul Therapy Seminar: Awakening Your Authentic Self. A weekend dedicated to awakening your connection to your soul and profoundly shifting your awareness to who you are.

Soul Expression

9 Month Program- $8,500

The Soul Expression 9-month program helps you uncover your true self and delve into your soul expression, leading to a life-altering experience of embracing compassion, using self-love for greatness, speaking your truth, and understanding your core soul expression. If you feel called to transform your life but don't know how, this program provides the guidance and support you need to express your true self and reach your highest potential.

*Included in your 9-month program are six tickets to our signature weekend, Soul Therapy Seminar: Awakening Your Authentic Self. A weekend dedicated to awakening your connection to your soul and profoundly shifting your awareness to who you are.



Danielle S. San Diego, CA

“If you never met Carolyn, you should!!! Carolyn has an amazing approach to her work as a Soul Therapist and Past Life Regressionist. Her approach allows you to discover information about yourself that has ultimately been a barrier to your self-growth. Carolyn allows you to identify these barriers in a very short amount of time and enables you to make changes that will facilitate action, personal satisfaction, inner peace and happiness that we are all seeking. 

Carolyn cares deeply for others and has a gift for engaging you in conversation and connecting you with in a different level that allows you to make the change that you have always wanted to, but could not before.”

Mariann C., Colorado

“I recently completed the 9 month Soul Therapy course with Carolyn. The transformation I went through was phenomenal. I went from whom I believed to be a strong and outspoken woman to a hear me roar woman! I was able to connect and communicate with my guides and angels as I have never experienced before. This course has definitely developed me as a whole spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Carolyn is an incredible teacher and mentor.”

Juliana T., NY

“When I met Carolyn, I was in a lot of emotional pain. I could feel it in my body – curled like a black ball in my solar plexus. I could not admit even to myself, how depressed I was. All I knew was that I could not continue my life like this – my two adopted kids, teenagers, with lots of behavioral and developmental issues both who needed me desperately. I have worked at a mental health office. I have been bringing my kids to many therapists without much results. In all of this, I did not even think to get help for myself – I just did not believe in therapies any longer.

But when I met Carolyn, I followed my intuition, I took a leap of faith and this changed my life. I completed her 6 months soul therapy session, and although I did not feel depressed anymore, I continued with the 9-month program. The black ball in my body is long gone. I have so much greater understanding of my inner child, being in the present, talking with my spirit guides, being protected by my spirit animals. I have met my inner child. It was a journey full of magic for me. I started to understand my soul’s purpose.

I have always been very interested to find a spiritual path that seems right for me. But the depression was preventing me from going on. Now I know how to be present and mindful, how to overcome stressful moments. Life will continue to challenge me at every corner, but now I have the tools to overcome obstacles to pick myself up and to cherish all joyful moments. Thank you Carolyn for everything!!!”

Nicole T., New York

“I was at a difficult point in my life when I first met Carolyn 7 months ago. I had l tried to find a therapist who could help me navigate through a very difficult/ abusive relationship. I had talked with some, none had resonated with me, one was even damaging.  So it was with reluctance and hesitation that I called Carolyn. I thought I was doing fine on my own, that I’d get through my current circumstances like all the other obstacles in my life by enduring them and changing myself to get through the hard times. 

I initially signed up for the 3 month Heart Awakening program, since it sounded like exactly what I needed. Within my first 2 months, I felt a profound change. I felt hope, I felt connected to my heart, and most importantly I felt a profound love for myself and a desire for change. All the anger and shame were almost like a distant memory. In fact, I hadn’t even realized how angry and how much shame and guilt I felt until I was free of those burdens. It was a no-brainer to sign up for the 6 month Life Path Journey that I am currently on now. With every session I feel stronger, more connected to my heart, more sure of my life’s purpose. These changes have enabled profound changes in my life with hardly any effort at all. It was like connecting with my higher self, my guides and animals, my younger self set me on the path I am meant to be on. I look back on all the hurt and sorrow I endured in my relationship not with anger and resentment but with gratitude! Gratitude that it has allowed me to find my life’s purpose, my inner voice. It enabled me to learn the lessons I was meant to learn in this lifetime. At this point I’m all in! Can’t wait to start the 9-month Soul Expression Program!”


I have worked with Carolyn for Past Life Regressions and Soul Therapy for the last 2 years and found them both to be truly transformational. Carolyn has a warm, powerful energy. She held the space for me to heal what I needed too. During our time together, I had incredible breakthroughs and synchronicities. I can honestly say that I do not view myself or my life the way I did before I started working together – and the way I feel has completely evolved. I am so grateful for Carolyn, for all that she taught me, for her incredible love and support. If you’ve been led to her, it’s for good reason. She is remarkable, with a special gift.”

Olga K. NYC

“When I met Carolyn five months ago, I was in the deepest stage of depression, and I almost gave up any hope to find anyone who could possibly take me out of this misery. I have tried many therapists, but I did not like the approach those therapists offered – I talked, they listened, I talked more, then more and more. I felt like a victim. I needed something different. That is when I met Carolyn. After just one Soul Therapist Session with her, I found something that seemed to have been lost forever – Hope! She did not allow me to feel like a victim anymore, she made me realize that I am in charge of my life. Week by week, I started feeling stronger, more cheerful, more optimistic, faithful. I started to believe in myself again. Carolyn helped me realize that I was wasting my time on meaningless activities and taking away from the things that would bring me true happiness. With this new insight, I was able to set and accomplish the goals that I was not able to complete for months even years. Carolyn is a gift to all who cross her path. She is the best investment I have made. I know that the best is yet to come. Her guidance and motivation will always be a part of my soul now.”

Olivia Naperville, IL

“I worked with Carolyn for 6 sessions and am very pleased with the results. Beforehand, I had never embarked in soul therapy and wasn’t quite sure what it was or how it would help. I had several issues I wanted to work on: career, marriage and parenting–no small issues! So, I figured it was worth a try. Each week Carolyn and I focused on a particular issue. Carolyn gave me writing, breathing/movement and self-talk exercises to do between sessions and I dutifully did them. Interestingly, I did not notice the change in me over the two month period as it was very subtle, but by the end of the last session I can say with certainty that I was a changed person. Carolyn unblocks your own inertia and provides the springboard from which you can grow forward. I would highly recommend soul therapy with Carolyn to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life.”

Jerri Johns, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

“Carolyn is truly a gift. She was put in my path, by no accident, at a time when I needed help. I began to make changes in my life a few years ago and knew I was on the right path, but sometimes we need guidance. With her help I began to discover important epiphanies that had me stuck in the past and I was able to begin to overcome deep sadness and understand why I repeated the same patterns. For over two decades I woke up with a dark cloud over my head every morning. It is now gone, even in the face of new health issues I began experiencing, which brought me to a whole new level of fear. Carolyn walked me through and led me to make some important decisions I was unable to initiate on my own. She has miraculous gifts of love, compassion and support that shine through in her work. By virtue of her wisdom, direction and huge heart, she has changed my life in so many ways. I am eternally grateful.”

Alexandra Petrullo, NYC

“Having come from only doing one-on-ones, my favorite part of the three hours was being able to listen to other people’s stories. Through the sharing, you can see and hear things in a new way, by opening up and relating to the other women in the group, I was able to come to new realizations about my own story.

I didn’t realize how much I second-guessed my instinct when answering some of the questions, but the one thing I did not hesitate on was my desire to create. My belief in my own creations has definitely gotten stronger since the session. Because of the energy the other women brought into the seminar, the theme of the night was about unrequited love and relationships. The session brought up things I had not thought about in a while and things that had not come up in my one-on-ones. I learned more about my happiness and how much I do want to open up and give and receive real love.

The most powerful part of this seminar was being in it together. You write your answers down and then you share them. This was a truly shared experience. I walked away feeling supported and empowered– four strangers were able to connect and share and heal together. No matter where you are in your journey, no matter how far down the rabbit hole you feel, you are not alone and healing is possible.

I love Soul Therapy. It is the best investment I have ever made in myself and in my life. this is the REAL DEAL. I RECOMMEND SOUL THERAPY TO ANYONE WHO IS SERIOUS ABOUT LIVING AN AUTHENTIC LIFE OF THEIR CREATION AND LOVING THEMSELVES COMPLETELY. Side note: Carolyn is the best teacher, cheerleader, coach, and guide you could ever possibly have. She is the real deal– You can feel it when you speak to her and you can see it in the sparkle of her clear blue eyes.”

 Jennifer O., NYC

“I was in a really tough place in my life and knew I needed help getting out of my own head. During only my second session with Carolyn, she helped me figure out where so many of my issues stemmed from. This was something that no other therapist or psychiatrist I’ve seen has been able to help me to do. Once I discovered the source of my issues, Carolyn helped me progressively work on strengthening the weaknesses I’d developed over the course of my life. Recognizing and understanding why I think the way I do allowed us to redirect my thinking and focus on more positive aspects of my life. Without Carolyn, I wouldn’t be able to step outside myself when I’m exhibiting behaviors that are detrimental to my mental health, see the pattern, and put a stop to it. I’m grateful for my experience with Carolyn. She truly cares about her clients and wants to help them.”

Taylor W., Washington D.C.

“Soul Therapy with Carolyn was a completely transformative experience, and I am so grateful to have found her. If you’re looking for a sign… look no further, this is it!

In a moment of crisis, after many years of trying different kinds of therapy and continuing to struggle with depression and anxiety, I stumbled onto Carolyn’s website and knew instantly that I had found exactly what I needed. Now, after working with her for almost 2 years, I can honestly say I do not even recognize the person I was back then.

In Soul Therapy, the first of many realizations I had was that the “story” I had been conditioned to create about my life was just that — a story — that had nothing to do with who I really am. Instead of continuing to listen to that story, I learned to recognize my own self-worth and value and stopped placing excessive importance on relationships and other external things.

Now, I know that my soul has a purpose — one that is so much greater than any “story” I could have ever created — and I am finally living that purpose to the fullest extent. Today, I feel filled with possibility, hope, and joy, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

Diane S., South Carolina

“I came to Carolyn because I was at a point in my life where I just felt “stuck”. I was stuck in a job I was miserable in, stuck in a co-dependent living situation, stuck in NY where I felt my soul didn’t resonate fully.  We set up a call and decided to do the Life Path Journey Program. Through working with her I was able to identify all my shadows and things that were holding me back in my life. I was able to break those co-dependent relationships without a sense of guilt and sadness and most importantly I was able to reinvent myself without someone else’s fears being in the background in my mind.

I had so much success in changing the way I felt and in my overall happiness that I decided to continue on to the Soul Expression Program. As a result of all of this work, I was able to manifest a new life for myself. I created opportunities for a new career path in Charleston, a city that inspires and amazes me each day, and in the mornings, I pinch myself when I look out the window saying how is this now my life? I now live with a higher sense of gratitude and genuine love for life and feel much more connected and grounded to my life. I am forever grateful for this program and the time I spent working with Carolyn as it truly shifted my life and allowed me to move past former trauma and all the fear holding me back in life.”

**Results may vary from person to person.