Self-Love Blog

Get Unstuck with Carolyn Goldfarb

Soul Expression Carolyn Goldfarb Soul Expression Carolyn Goldfarb

Self-Empowerment: Freedom from Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety? Stress? Are they affecting everything you do? Is it seeping into all aspects of your life? Does your heart race? Does your mind loop on the same fear thought or on something you could take back, and wish you hadn’t done because you knew better but couldn’t help yourself in the moment? I suffer from all of the above. Anxiety and stress come in and out of my life like most people. However, I recognize it and work to release it, let it go and figure out productive solutions on how to shift my thinking.

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Lay the Foundation for your Healing Journey - Experience Self Love, Self Care & Self Celebration

Start your Self-Love journey with my 3 part audio series. By Signing up for my bi-monthly newsletter, you’ll receive my 3 part audio series for free. You will learn:
  • How your self-talk affects all aspects of your life

  • How to begin to consider all your actions as self-care

  • How to celebrate yourself!

There has never been a better time to begin your healing journey than Now!

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