Self-Love Blog

Get Unstuck with Carolyn Goldfarb

Is Your Shame Sabotaging Your Happiness?

Shame, in all its forms, can shut you down in a millisecond and prevent you from experiencing joy.  It has the power to stop you in your tracks by blocking self-love and keeps you from your authentic self by locking you in the subservient energy of being a victim to the origin of the shame.

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How Do You Envision Your Life?

This time of year there is a lot of discussion and advice about goal setting, self-evaluation, and taking stock, all for making the best use of the “Fresh Start” for the New Year. However, for me, this is not something I do only in December to prepare for the New Year. It is something I do all the time and all year long. I take stock, I make adjustments, I goal set and then create an action plan, and lastly, I act in any way possible to get me that much closer to my visions.

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What Does A “Shift” Really Mean?

A “Shift” is a positive way of saying you have made a change in your life, in your mindset, in your thought process, or in your awareness. It is an energetic transformation on a cellular level from one state to another either subtly or cataclysmically life altering.

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What Would Your World Be Like If You Lived In Flow?

To live in Flow means to live in a more relaxed state where you are connected to your divine nature, and your desires. It is living by your authentic self and not the illusion of what you have been told to be by society, your parents or your friends. It is a very high form of self-love.

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Passionate Living, Self-Sabatoge, Soul Expression Carolyn Goldfarb Passionate Living, Self-Sabatoge, Soul Expression Carolyn Goldfarb

What If You Really Truly Trusted You 100%?

What would your life be like if you trusted yourself and the Universe to deliver completely on your hopes and dreams? What would you feel like? What would you be like and act like out in the world? Would you take more risks? Be bolder? Would you follow your dreams with more determination and gusto?

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What if Every Day was a Chance at Rejuvenation?

I know we are getting close to spring when I feel my body and mind want to get into action! It wants fresh air, new ideas, nutritious food, warmth, Sun and flowers to look at and smell. Spring always makes me think of new beginnings. Cleaning out the closets, clearing out the cobwebs physically, mentally and spiritually. Rejuvenating my body to prepare for summer’s outdoor activities.

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Lay the Foundation for your Healing Journey - Experience Self Love, Self Care & Self Celebration

Start your Self-Love journey with my 3 part audio series. By Signing up for my bi-monthly newsletter, you’ll receive my 3 part audio series for free. You will learn:
  • How your self-talk affects all aspects of your life

  • How to begin to consider all your actions as self-care

  • How to celebrate yourself!

There has never been a better time to begin your healing journey than Now!

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