Self-Love Blog

Get Unstuck with Carolyn Goldfarb

What Would Your World Be Like If You Lived In Flow?

To live in Flow means to live in a more relaxed state where you are connected to your divine nature, and your desires. It is living by your authentic self and not the illusion of what you have been told to be by society, your parents or your friends. It is a very high form of self-love.

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Lay the Foundation for your Healing Journey - Experience Self Love, Self Care & Self Celebration

Start your Self-Love journey with my 3 part audio series. By Signing up for my bi-monthly newsletter, you’ll receive my 3 part audio series for free. You will learn:
  • How your self-talk affects all aspects of your life

  • How to begin to consider all your actions as self-care

  • How to celebrate yourself!

There has never been a better time to begin your healing journey than Now!

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