What Does A “Shift” Really Mean?

A “Shift” is a positive way of saying you have made a change in your life, in your mindset, in your thought process, or in your awareness. It is an energetic transformation on a cellular level from one state to another either subtly or cataclysmically life altering.

Is Your Resentment and Fear Getting In the Way Of Your Desires?

When I was growing up, my mother drilled in me to forgive and forget. She believed that holding on to anger and resentment only hurts me, tightens my body, hurts my heart, and the other person doesn’t know that I’m still angry or feel a thing. My mother used to say, “Carolyn, always forgive someone […]

What Would Your World Be Like If You Lived In Flow?

To live in Flow means to live in a more relaxed state where you are connected to your divine nature, and your desires. It is living by your authentic self and not the illusion of what you have been told to be by society, your parents or your friends. It is a very high form of self-love.