What Does New Years Mean To You?

What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you […]

What Happens To You When It’s The Holidays?

How do you feel when it is the Holidays? Are you excited? Ready to decorate, bake, and buy presents? Or are you dreading it? Are you feeling like “Oh boy, another year already?” Are you grieving a recent loss and can’t imagine how you are going to make it through the December and the holidays, no less […]

What is Sedona, Arizona Really?

Do you even wonder what is Sedona Arizona really? It is definitely a city in Arizona, that is an hour and a half north of Phoenix in the United States of America.  It is known for its majestic red rocks, white sandstones,  and the amazing energy vortexes.  However, it is also is a a place […]

Self-Empowerment: Freedom from Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety? Stress? Are they affecting everything you do? Is it seeping into all aspects of your life? Does your heart race? Does your mind loop on the same fear thought or on something you could take back, and wish you hadn’t done because you knew better but couldn’t help yourself in the moment? I suffer from all of the above. Anxiety and stress come in and out of my life like most people. However, I recognize it and work to release it, let it go and figure out productive solutions on how to shift my thinking.